Historian, Archivist, Spy
Linda McCarthy says that “History is a Hoot”. And to those that are bored with history, consider the type of narrative that comes from 24 years service with the Central Intelligence Agency. It is likely full of the stories that are not usually welcome to public eyes. Stories told in secret are not typically kind to their subjects.
Linda McCarthy created the CIA Museum, which contains this tricky working on the web site:
All artifacts have been declassified by the appropriate officials for public viewing. Please note that because the Museum is located on the CIA compound, it is not open to the public for tours.
Despite this, they do offer a virtual tour on the web site, and have a surprise mention of One-Time Pads. Details given are vague. The site explain what a one-time pad is, without explaining how they are used. Among other things, cia.gov particularly dodges the use of one-time pads in conjunction with Shortwave radios, or that they are a transcript for Numbers Station broadcasts.
But Ms. McCarthy has more work that she is interested in. In addition to many speaking engagements, she serves as a research director for various Film and Television productions. Her work in this field has earned her an Emmy award and brought us to another interesting figure in espionage history.
Morris “Moe” Berg was a mediocre baseball player, who was surprised to be asked to visit Japan with other notable ball players in the 30’s. Being a highly intellectual individual, it began to make sense why he was asked to go when he received a 16mm camera and some instructions from the U.S. Government while on this trip. Ms. McCarthy has all the details on this Berg’s interaction with the O.S.S., which really only begins with his first trip to Japan.
Linda McCarthy’s work as a historian, archivist, espionage enthusiast, and spy (?) resonates and inspires the work that is being done on Clandestine. We hope you will take some time to learn more about her.