Clandestine Will Play At The Atlanta Film Festival
Clandestine Will Play at the Atlanta Film Festival
While it was a tremendous honor for Clandestine to hold its world premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, one very important thing was missing: all of our friends, family and supporters. We are fortunate to say that we have supporters all around the world, but only two locations can provide us with the opportunity to gather the maximum amount of you in one place in time. One is Mobile, Alabama, and the other is Atlanta, Georgia. We are happy to announce that the latter will take place as part of the Atlanta Film Festival 2010.
The Atlanta Film Festival has been held annually for 33 years, and this year, it’s 34th, will take place on April 15th - 23rd. We don’t know yet when Clandestine will play exactly, but we are hoping for a good time slot to so you can all attend. More details can be found here as soon as we have them.
Thank you all for your lasting support; we hope to see many of you there.